Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a relaxing weekend

The 4-D ultrasound I got done while in Milwaukee. I was 26 weeks here.

My latest Bellyshot! 29 weeks. As of this last posting I am 30 weeks, almost 31!

Well today was a bit more interesting than yesterday. Our weedeater broke last weekend so we decided to go to Lowe's this morning and buy another one. We have to do the lawn usually every weekend becuase it rains so much in the summer time it grows so fast. Justin did that while I did some laundry and organized the garage a little bit more...Which I just totally cleaned I think it was on friday. After that we decided to go to the Pool...but when we got there it was closed for some we had to go to an apartment pool where one of our friends used to live. It was alright but there were some younger punk children there without parents driving us nuts. They were just really loud and obnoxious....There is a different way I could describe these four boys but that was about the nicest way I could think.
That was our day. We came home, had lunch, and did some relaxing. Took a nap and just watched some tv. We are trying to get in as much sleep and relaxation as we can within the next 8-10 weeks as we can. Speaking of Jaycee... She's doing great, she moves around a ton! Feels like a massage chair in my stomach rolling around the top of it! lol it's super cute. She's been getting the hiccups alot and the stomach is extremely tight. I have to work tomorrow and then I have a Doctor's appt on tuesday. I will have an appt every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks...then it will be once a week.
By the way, I am still learning how to work out this Blog thing so bare with me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome ultrasound pics!! Can't wait to see and hear more about your life in Florida!! ~Julie
